So, if you are sure you want to block all mail to/from the list of domains, you can add the following directive to your postfix file:
smtpd_sender_restrictions = hash:/etc/postfix/access reject_unauth_destination = hash:/etc/postfix/access
Once this has been added to the, you need to create the /etc/postfix/access file and put entries in it like this: REJECT REJECT REJECT
So on and so forth until all the domains have been entered. Once you have created this file and the permissions are correct run the following command:
postmap hash:/etc/postfix/access
and finally restart postfix.
This will prevent the offending domains from sending you mail and your users from sending mail to those domains.
**NOTE**I have used smtpd_sender_restrictions in past configurations, I have not used reject_unauth_destination, and based that portion of this reply on what I read on the postfix site. You may want to impliment each one seperately and test.