Thanks for the bump Richard 😉
Finally found a solution tonight :
Step 1
Debian :
sudo apt-get install quota quotatool
CentOS :
sudo yum install quota
Step 2
Edit /etc/fstab
On the partition line, write these options : defaults,usrquota,grpquota
Step 3
unmount then mount the partition again with this command (for the / partition, if your setup is different, modify the command accordingly) :
sudo mount -o remount /
Step 4
Create the necessary files (/aquota.user and with the following command :
sudo quotacheck -cvugm /
Step 5
Edit the quotas for the user wou want to limit as you see fit :
sudo edquota username
Step 6
Once you’re done, save the file and activate the quotas :
sudo quotaon /
This worked on both my CentOS and my Debian 7 lab virtual machines. 🙂