
set a hostname, recommeded name is fogserver, however you can set this as anything you want.

set a username, recommended name is YOUR first name, or “admin”. Do not use “fog”!

Set a password for this account.

verify password.

Encryption – optional, but strongly not recommended.

Set a timezone because FOG Scheduled Tasks are dependent on the system time being correct.


External Video Link:

Ubuntu 16 04 Server – Optimal FOG Partitioning


Other Settings

no automatic updates (optional).

set “standard system utilities” to not be installed (optional, but this tutorial is aimed to be as minimal as possible).

set “OpenSSH server” to be installed (optional but required for remote management. Can be installed later).

Installing FOG

  • Access the terminal
  • Become root with sudo -i
  • Issue the below commands.
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y dist-upgrade
apt-get -y autoclean
apt-get -y autoremove
apt-get -y install git
git clone /root/fogproject
cd /root/fogproject/bin