UniFi Controller Configuration Steps
- AP adoption process has been described in user guide and FAQ, and we will omit those steps here.
- To create WLAN, go to “Settings” > “Wireless Networks” on the controller.
- Create WLAN “vlan10_mgmt” (e.g.), wpa-psk security. Do NOT set VLAN ID ( see management vlan jääb untagitu`ks switchi konfis).
This is because the VLAN 10 is already untagged on the AP plugged-in ports so we will let switch take care of that. - Create WLAN “vlan20_user” in Open (e.g). In “Advanced” panel, check “VLAN” and “Use VLAN ID” to 20.
- Create WLAN “vlan30_finance” in PSK (e.g.). In “Advanced” panel, check “VLAN” and “Use VLAN ID” to 30.
- Create WLAN “vlan40_guest” in Open (e.g.) and check “Guest Policy”. In “Advanced” panel, check “VLAN” and “Use VLAN ID” to 40.
- Wait for the config provision to AP and you should these 4 SSIDs being broadcasted in the air.
- Use a laptop to connect to each WLAN and verify if the laptop can get a corresponding DHCP IP address.
- vlan10_mgmt 10.0.10.x
- vlan20_user 10.0.20.x
- vlan30_finance 10.0.30.x
- vlan40_guest 10.0.40.x
- Now you are all set with WLAN creation.
Switchis teed kõigepealt untagitud VLAN`i peal managementi ära ja lisad unify long range apd-d kontrollerisse ning peale seda teed tagitud VLAN`id switchi samale pordile ning nende samade VLAN`ide peale teed ka unify contoller`i wireless`i settingute alt uued wifi võrgud ja paned need vajalike VLAN`ide peale. Kui vaja pane wifi võrkudele peale ka paroolid.